Mostly contain my own notes.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Pond Fishing - Saltwater

Many had gone to the pond and bought the ridiculously expensive live bait (prawn or fish) in hoping on hitting the jackpot. Is it really the most effective bait? Nah.. I think not.

Do we really know of where this fish came from. Was it from the wilderness of its natural habitat? Or was it born and raised in fish farming cage. I think most logical answer is cage. What do they feed these fish? Is it live fish or prawn that they can make good dollar out of each of it?

I know some fish farmers. Visited the farm a few times. One of the market is these private pond that you are paying for the admission to fish. These fish never ate live prawn rarely live fish. To cut the cost to the bottom, these farmers would go to the wet market each evening when the fishmonger about to close for the day. They bought or sometime even just helping the monger to clean up the fish remains to feed the fish. So these fish only eat dead fish. Of course its natural instint would remain as predatory and hunting live bait. But don't you think that it would prefer its regular diet?

There is a tip for you. Don't waste your money on buying the live bait.


Anonymous said...

Very good tip. Thanks, will try it.